Coffee Tour in Ecuador

Coffee tour in Ecuador

Are you looking for a good coffee? Coffee tour in Ecuador is a great option. You will know local farmer producers, learn more about coffee, the process and drink the most famous Ecuadorian coffee.
Ecuador coffee is known for one of the 15 countries that grow Arabica and Robusta beans. The first coffee plantation was on the Coast – Manabi province in 1860s, later coffee was growing in diverse regions in Ecuador. The lands are suitable for growing coffee. Now Ecuador is one of the top exports and produces coffee in 23 of its 24 provinces.
The coffee tours are in Mindo and Intag. Mindo is a very touristic town – one hour and a half from Mindo. Intag  is in Imbabura province.

Coffee tour in Ecuador

Mindo and around of this beautiful town has been very famous for its coffee growing. The land and the weather in this lovely town make an exceptional land to plant coffee.

Coffee tour & canopy in Mindo
Mindocanopy offers zip line, extreme swing, night zip line and coffee tour in the same area. It is a walking tour through a one hectare of coffee plantation. You will see the stages of the growth of the coffee plant and its fruit, harvest yourself and the process. They give a cup of coffee with a cookie. It costs US$ 8.
If you are going to zip line in Mindo, you can do the coffee tour after or before canopy.

Mindo Coffee House & Chocolate tour
It is a small familiar coffee shop. They have few coffee plants. You will get an explanation about the artisanal coffee process. At the end you drink a cup of coffee, cup of bean and a coffee dessert. There are other options to taste chocolate with lemon grass- honey, chocolate with ginger, chocolate with cacao honey and fruit fondue. They offer local products, desserts, hot and cold drinks. It costs U$ 6.
This is a good place if you are in town.

Coffee tour in Ecuador

El Quetzal Mindo Chocolate tour
Besides the chocolate tour, they explain step by step how making coffee from the tree to the cup. It costs US$ 15

Coffee Lodge & Spa
It is a small plantation where you see the organic coffee plants. They will show the process, roasting and all the coffee process from the seed to the cup.  You try some different kind cup of coffee. It costs US$ 8.
On the way to Mindo butterfly garden you can stop by.

Coffee tour in Finca Fajares
It is a huge coffee farm in Nanegalito, one hour before to get to Mindo. During the tour they explain the process from the seed to the cup, walking around the plantation, interacting during the process of harvesting, post-harvesting and coffee roasting. You will drink a great cup of coffee. They have restaurant too. The coffee tour costs US$ 16

Intag Valley Coffee tour
It is a coffee association farmers and organic coffee beans grow other organic crops (banana, agave and corn). During the tour you walk around the diversity of coffee plantations, the modern process, tasting coffee drinks. It costs US$ 14.

Culinary experience food tours in Ecuador give you the experience to take part of the One Day Mindo Adventure Ecuador Coffee & Chocolate Route Tour

Coffee tour in Ecuador