Things to do around Quito

Sangolqui a place to visit around Quito

If you are eager to explore parts of Quito, Sangolqui is the right place to visit. Maybe you haven´t heard about this pretty town, but this location is well-known among locals rather than tourists from other countries. I hope that after reading this blog, you will be able to go around it.

Sangolqui is located in Los Chillos Valley, just 30 minutes from the downtown of Quito. This place has converted into more of a suburb as Quito grows and expands outward. It is an ideal site for family recreation, community experiences, adventure tourism, ecotourism, enjoyment, and relaxation, which, combined with a rural setting, instills in visitors a satisfying sensation that keeps them coming back.

I live in Sangolqui because it is a quiet and natural beauty location with warm weather, unique cultural events, culinary activities, and fascinating markets. Therefore, if you are looking for a place to visit around Quito, Sangolqui is a considerable site with multiple activities to enjoy while you are in the capital. You will feel safe while walking around this small region.

On the weekends, Quiteños come to the Valle de los Chillos area to delight in the diverse gastronomy that this amazing land provides.

Sangolqui a place to visit around Quito

Here are the following things to do in Sangolqui:

Walking at Parque Central—Central Park

The centuries-old houses, with beautiful and colorful details on their facades, are the framework of Central Park. In this area is the stone pool that stood throughout the colony, as a witness to our history. Sangolqui was declared the Cultural Heritage of the Nation in 1992 by the National Institute of Cultural Heritage.

You can also visit the church, Iglesia Matriz, which has been constructed for about 100 years ago.

Visit Sangolqui Market

It is also named market of tourism, is the most visited by locals. You can find a wide variety of agricultural, livestock, and craft products. A large number of families in the town and its surroundings provide supplies on a weekly basis. These product samples are picturesque and even take place outdoors.

Hiking and walking in the nature

If you want a close encounter with nature near Quito, you should come to Los Chillos Valley, which is surrounded by the most stunning landscapes in the valley. There are multiple natural attractions that offer various distractions and leisure options.

Waterfalls: Any of the following waterfalls are a beautiful getaway from the bustle of Quito: Rumibosque, Molinuco, Pita, Condor Machay Rumipamba, Vilatuna, Padre Urco Inchalillo, and Kimsa. You can walk, go horseback riding, and go camping. They have different lengths to walk, from one to three hours.

Volcanoes: Pasochoa Refuge and Ilalo Hill are the most amazing places to hike.

Pasochoa Refuge is an extinct volcano. Due to the shape of the crater, a very well-preserved Andean forest has been formed for years without human intervention. Today, the forest is a habitat for a diverse variety of fauna and flora.

Ilalo is an inactive volcano. It has a strategic location where you can admire the valleys from its extraordinary natural viewpoints. In addition, you can visit the Stone Cavern and a caldera where you can find remains of volcanic lava.

Sangolqui a place to visit around Quito


Sangolqui has diferents celebration during the year:


In the main streets of Sangolquí, dancers do their performance with costome of flolckore of Ecuador.

Easter and holy week

The city has a deep Catholic faith; therefore, during Holy Week, there are a number of religious events, such as Via Crucis, with biblical characters that devotees depict and local believers accompany.


In Sangolqui, a number of cultural, social, and sporting events take place, among them the civic-military parade, the election of queens, the athletic parade, popular dances, gastronomic festivals, bullfights, cultural exhibitions, stand-outs, and craft exhibitions, among others.


One of the most relevant events of these celebrations is the traditional Corn and Tourims Parade, in which queens from all the cities in the country participate. Another of the anticipated events is the popular Chagra Parade. People participate in their best clothes, coming from local farm clubs as well as from surrounding towns and cities. Next, the famous bullfights take place, where the most daring enter the ring to show off their strength and bravery. Additionally, people hold craft exhibitions and gastronomic festivals.


The Matriz Church builds a very unique nativity scene, set with elements consistent with the daily life of our town and with bibilical characters designed in life size.

For pictures about the Sangolqui area, please check out my Instagram.


Sangolqui is outstanding for its culinary variety, which you should try if you come to Quito. I’m not going to write about food in this blog because it is extensive, and I would like to detail food and restaurants in the next post.

If you liked the idea of exploring Sangolqui, you can take a bus, or this travel agency,, can help you with these kinds of tours in the area.

Please don´t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this amazing city.