The perfect way to explore Quito

The perfect way to explore Quito

Quito is not only colonial houses and churches, but also typical food is part of the city. In particular, the perfect way to explore Quito deeper is by taking a food tour.

In effect, during your time in Quito, there are so many ways to dig into the city:

  1. Trying the colaciones (traditional candy with peanuts), quimbolitos, and traditional ice cream. Salty snacks such as chifles, plantain chips, humitas, and other Historic Center specialties.
  1. By taking cooking classes, you will learn how to make the traditional Ecuadorian cuisine. In our cooking class, it’s not just about making food. We talk about Ecuador’s culture and traditions.
  1. A walking tour of Quito’s Old Town. Each neighbourhood has its own history.

The perfect way to explore Quito

  1. Visiting the traditional market and shops called the Tianguez. Generally, the tinaquez is fair trade, which has
    • artisan shops (handcrafts with local history).
    • local market with local food
    • fruit and vegetables
    • medicinal plants and food species
    • natural juices
    • ornamental and typical Ecuadorian plants. Ecuadorians buy the plants to sprout in their houses’ gardens.
  1. Eating authentic food, the Old Town has traditional restaurants. They offer typical Ecuadorian meals at a different range of prices.

Are you thinking about what to do in Quito? Check it out:

Even if you have just a few hours in Quito, you can still enjoy one-hour cooking classes. Check out our classes here: Quito Cooking Class